There is a luxury retailer in town whose business is based on catering to those with lots of money to spend, the wonderful world of wealthy and the ones who wish they were and pretend they are. Customers who spend lots of money on designer clothing, shoes, handbags and of course premium priced beauty products.
It seems this emporium of luxury has lost a bit of its luster. Every woman going to buy her cache of weapons for her beauty arsenal- her wrinkle fighting, lip plumping, eye shading pots, potions and tubes of transformation, needs to feel special. She needs to believe that the world of pretty is warmly welcoming her with open arms and appreciates her business, her time, her dollar-appreciates she chose to come here and not the mass retailer with the identical counter with all the identical products, two doors down, or the specialist beauty retailer just a hop up the street that sends most women into makeup panic overload. Make her feel special. Not so hard I think- so my question is how do chipped paint and dirty chairs make you feel when you think of luxury? Pretty, pretty indifferent or pretty tired and turned off?
It's as if you are going to get your eyebrows shaped by the aesthetician who has the commas/quote marks scrawled and squiggled across her forehead who leaves you looking like Ronald McDonald and his infamous arches, or the hairdresser who thinks bridal hair is a stiff, starched up do, festooned with baby's breath and a can of final net. Just don't- trust me on this- babies the world over will breathe a lot easier if you don't look like scary foliage or a topiary when you say "I do". Beauty, especially luxury beauty, is an experience that is supposed to seduce and delight a woman into wanting to purchase her hope in a jar, not look tawdry and worn, like a $12.00 korean town manicure buffed with steel wool.
The Power of Pretty isn't in the reality of stools with chips and nicks and smudges of dirt, it's in the belief that all the fantastical wonders of pretty lie gleaming under glass, perfectly packaged, waiting to indulge the senses. A magical candy colored land full of compacts of color. A light touch up with a fresh can of paint or a pot of concealer, be it on a chair or a face, makes all the difference on how you present yourself to everyone. When others look at you and when you look at yourself, The Power of Pretty knows the best defense is a great offense. Looking pretty makes you feel pretty which is pretty powerful. In the world of luxury, where image is everything, wear and tear speaks loudly and says I don't care. Not caring sure doesn't make people feel special and wanting to spend.
It's time for a little retailer beauty duty involving a wash of Glidden loving of "Crisp Linen White" or "Eloquent Ivory" to put the lux back into luxurious and the power back into pretty.